Monday, December 6, 2010

Noez presents: Bridge Rox 12/7/10 Noez Bday Edition!

This Tuesday December 7th 2010, I will be celebrating my birthday at Sunset Room in Hacienda Heights with special guests: DJ MZA, Pax Crew feat. MindFrame Dank & Grimes and Crop Circles. Should, & will be a fun night, I'm really looking foward to it. I will try to get Audio the night, big ups to everyone on the bill, much appreciated, let's have a good one...stay posted.

The night starts off with Dream & I setting up shop. I go in to set-up the turntables and speakers, Dream handles the mixing board and mics. A couple of girls at the bar kind of take notice of the equipment, & sort of mention that they know what to expect fom DJ's, I try telling them, that this ain't no typical night at Sunset Room. While Dream & I put the finishing touches on the set-up, The Crop Circles posse arrives with their set-up, before long, we've got quite an ensemble going on. They bring in keys, amps & not to mention these two mammoth MC's, Ailments & Arty Swell..oh yeah & Clockwize along with their keyboardist.
I'm finally ready to rock, I go in with some Flying Lotus, to set the mood right, it won't be long before I bring in the "boom bap" and before those girls at the bar know what hit them, a full out hip hop night has broken out! Oh sh**!..I forgot to start recording, by the middle of my set I immediately hit "Rec" on my recorder, & we're up and running with the recording. MZA then steps into the place, and now I start to get amped knowing that we've got quite a collection of folks ready to rock. While I start to wrap up my set, I go from that 'hardcore ruggedy-raw, smack ya' in ya' face with a closed fist', hip hop ish, and try to set MZA up. Kind of tough to predict what MZA has in-store, but I try my best. I take it down a few notches with Pe2ny & cap my set off with ATCQ's "1nce Again".
MZA hits the decks, starts rockin' with what sounds to me, like some Chuck D, nevertheless he goes right into some Jazz & Latin funk, and before you know we got a party going on, Soul Circle Radio is in the house! Shout outs to his homie(forgot his name), Cat, and Michelle Q. it didn't take them long to get busy on the dance floor during MZA's set, but that's what he does, I sometimes catch myself busting some moves when I'm listening to Soul Circle Radio. It's always great to see him man the turntables, with his subtle flash behind the decks tweaking & EQing the mixer, it was a pleasure to have him bring his Soul Circle Radio vibe to Sunset Room. MZA starts to wrap up his set with some classic hip hop, and starts setting the mood for some live performances.
Crop Circles begin to get ready for their performance, Clockwize gets behind the decks, Ailments and Arty Swell start 'mic-checking' the mics, their keyboardist sets himself in behind the keys, and they dive right into their set. Really dope set, Clockwize busts double duty rockin the beats behind the turntables and rockin' the mic along with his counter parts Ailments & Arty Swell. They flawlessly go through their set going back and forth with each other and interacting with the crowd asking for some sort of noise & energy, be it good or bad, although Arty Swell prefers only a good response, ha! Overall really dope set from the Crop Circles, displaying real command of their craft, with their set and stage presence, awesome set, no doubt!
MindFrame Dank is up next taking center stage, as he too goes right into his set. My apologies, goes out to him, Gobbs & Ras Buck for not being able to record their sets. I had to take the cable from the recorder and use it to plug and get sound from their laptop. Regradless MindFrame Dank did his thing during his set, rocking out to some ill beats, while supplying them with some ill flows. While winding down his set he breaks into a freestyle inviting Ailments, & Arty Swell to join him in a freestyle session. Great job from MindFrame Dank.
Gobbs & Ras Buck hit the center stage next with an impromtu set to begin their performance. Gobbs & Ras Buck go back to back rocking out to some PAX beats. Gobbs gets busy rockin' flows & some spanish too! Ras Buck starts to rock to his beats while Gobbs joins in. Ras Buck provides timely flows, with some pretty dope lines that provide words of encouragement, and reminder to have fun while rocking out. He gets into a 'rasta' like performance while winding down his set, that puts a finishing touch to a great night of performances. I jumped back on the turntables to close out the night. Big ups to all the performers and DJ's plus sound-man(Dream) for coming through and showcasing their skills, dope night of hip hop out in the Bridge, despite Sunset Room being in Hacienda Heights, Bridge City was definitely in the house!!! What a way to celebrate a Bday. .Noez!

-Don't forget to catch MZA on Soul Circles Radio every Saturday from 12noon-2pm
-Crop Circles at

(click play to listen or click arrow on right side to download, enjoy!)
Bridge Rox 12/7/10 feat. DJ Noez, MZA & Crop Circles(Raw Audio Feed) by .Noez!

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